that voodoo, that you do?
Again with the Garage.
Louisiana Voodoo Queen.
yes. well... I probably spoiled the first glass, with some lime... haha... what, am, i, like? haaaaaaa.... well, it was delicious, obviously, or I wouldn't have done it. Chocolate and lime are always good. As is coffee, what, fucking after midnight? Probably not. But Louisiana Voodoo Queen is something else. God. no, Food of the gods. So so so so tastey. so delicious, so, i cant stop with the sipping of you... so, hmm, better watch out for this shit. like, dont stupidly open it when you're already how many sheets to the wind?
Good goo, True Detective gets better and betterer
Monday, January 26, 2015
Whose sheets to which wind?
Posted by
12:14 AM
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Wood Touche
was in the middle of really getting into an episode of True Detective and having just cleaned off an overly exuberant (difficult to pour-) Ulf's something, from a gilded Bear. A 'baltic' porter, bit of smoked manuka; tasty. For the money (2 for 10 bucks, due to the 'fizziness'), pretty much like buying someone's quite good homebrew. Glad they didn't sell it at full price, you'd be rather disappointed if you weren't naive. As for the fish and chips thereabouts? - completely mis-remembered. not that good. (But I wonder now if our fond memory of that particular fishshop was actually for the smoked fish they sell, which I do remember being pretty fucking good).
And now, whatever the time is, I've gone and embarked on a little something from those Project-ors from Te Garage. Touch Wood. Had opened and poured before I read the label. First mistake: " very careful who you drink it with." Hmmm... Myself, unfortunately. Unless you count people and animals that sleep. But there's no bothering them, so yes - pretty much, myself. Hope it all works out okay. :-S Look what it made me do: (in public, ffs!)
Taking blog writing to an entirely different place.somewhere altogether else. So now, a double writing. Oh, how pathetic. Blogging? you call this blogging? writing something so infrequently that no one could ever possibly find it. Then again, once it's on the web, under your name, it's there for as long as anyone can look for it. Ever compressed into ever smaller spaces to be recalled from more difficultly as time proceeds. But always there, stuck somewhere in silicon, i guess it was, once upon a time, something new and whizzy from now on tho, getting smaller and smaller, packed there. Until all the power fails...
What do they say? We're only ever a couple (or is it a few?) days from complete collapse - our urban society. We cope fine with the odd disaster; insurance 'covering' it left right and centre(lr&c?), but if the whole lot went down at once? All the power grids, across a continent. I guess we'll see the US go soon enough whenever solar activity ramps up. Or, are they watching us and how we respond to earthquakes and such? Do any of our cultures/societies learn off the others in how to deal with disaster relief? I know Chch did a shit job of a lot it, but pulled together to do an awesomely amazing job of other things. Do we examine how every other place does it, ie copes? Cos that's how we'll get through when EVERYTHING goes down. Geography, it's all goddamn geography.
And for my day job, here I'm working for an organisation that is trying to stop the native biodiversity of this country from going into Collapse. It's pretty much been on it's way for the last couple hundred years, but there's still so much to be saved. I do what I can, but the place is a bit of a wreck. I think we just all have to 'do what we can' and that's what DOC's asking people to do now. All of us, living here on these sweet sweet isles need to pull finger and get killing! In order: possums, rats, stoats, weasels, ferrets, hedgehogs, wasps, and finally mice. Set whatever traps you can, kill any of them every time you see them. See one on a trail somewhere? Next time you go there, take a trap with you, set it and then go check it periodically. If everybody who used the bush or other areas did this we could actually get somewhere towards a pest free NZ... I think I just saw the light, and it IS actually possible. HA! yeah right. Fucking kiwis. We've become a stupid arsed laconical 'whatever' kinda nation. There's not enough still into it. Everyone's focussed on their own shit.
31 minutes left of my TD episode, best I subsume myself in that...
"your kids are the only thing that matters, Maddie. They're the whole reason for this man-woman drama,"
"well, I'm sorry, what are you suggesting exactly?"
"Just that people fuck up - we age, men, women, it's not supposed to work except to make kids. So, if you could imagine, Marty's behaviour as a matter of weakness, pain, - you'd see that it's not about you"
"So enter the day you duck under rationalisations same as any of 'em. You musta been a great husband."
And he walks out.
interesting to watch this post... methinks. And there's always editing... :)
Posted by
10:56 PM
Friday, January 11, 2013
Friday, August 31, 2012
okay, so...
here we are back again. Figure, seeing as i'm not brewing anything, but doing some quantum of enjoying other people's products, may i well speak a little about them?
8wired, some of my favourites, saison sauvin, hopwired, regulars, others.
yeasties, were up there, fallen a bit. good tasting at poms. hudawah was good. her majesty, spectacular. and again this year, finally trying. his maj.2011 really didnt do it for me.
liberty. tasting, awesome. other's?
nogno. /'s thru the O's. yum. #500 was spectacular - i got a bunch of people drinking that at Hashigo's. heh heh, dont think any of us realised what hit us...
their collabo with 8wired and renaissance was the best ever, O for Awesome. #100 in the cupboard,
epic. truly epic, so good i had to buy the teeshirt. hop zombie is off the chart. love their regular pale ale as trusty go to, wish every bar carried it. but Mayhem and Armageddon are two of my absolute favourites.
renaissance. their MPA (marlborough pale) was awesome, alas, 8wired's basically taken their share of the market. still really like their stonecutter. the porter, meh, stout, nah, perfection, so so.
twisted. a hopback tonight. better this time than last. definitely a return to.
raindog. pangalacticgargleblaster is very good. others with the rolleston eagle at tasting varied. would try more. works for twisted.
wanaka. taken over something that was quite mediocre. now starting to get out there and waaaay better.. tasting at poms.
mussel inn
garage project
Dead Good. 1.3L rigs from freshchoice nelson, yeah, baby. good shit.
sprig and fern. meah
bears. mapua? nothing memorable,
eagles. good, for something from someone in Rolleston's garage.
duvel. enjoying one tonight.
rochfort. tried the 10 in HashigoZ. good, but tasted old. travelled.
chimay. enjoy this when i have it. what's not to enjoy.
la trappe
Posted by
9:47 PM
Friday, September 10, 2010
Bottled Bock
9th of the 9th, the Earthquake Bock bottled yesterday. shoulda been ready day after the quake, but water was dubious, so bottling had to wait. 39x500ml Renaissance bottles. one Brakspear Triple bottle top broke off.
oh yeah, had checked the gravity a few days before, sitting at 1025 or so, but what the final reading was, ??
Posted by
9:35 AM
Sunday, August 29, 2010
finally, another one...
bock this time. put down friday 27th Aug pm.
1.5kg Bock kit
1.8kg muntons light
~500g dextrose
~200g krystal, crushed in the mortar and pestle
bunch of hops from a Dunsandel garden
past expiry date Saflager yeast.
specific gravity 1050 or so.!
bubbling away nicely now. slightly strange smell, but i think its okay, not an 'off' smell. will bottle when ready, a few days away?.
Posted by
7:12 PM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
yummy stout.
havent had time to put a brew down still... god, its getting a bit slack. definitely gonna do something when i'm back from Fiordland, to where i go next week.
had a stout (15.6) night before last, bloooody tasty...
hopefully the Peculiar is getting better... got one in the fridge right now.
Posted by
11:13 AM
Friday, December 5, 2008
Brews on hold.
Been a while since i put one down.
18.4 is good at moment.
consumed the very last of the last 16.2's last night, was mighty tasty brew, must put one of them down again...
3.1 a while back was a bit bread yeasty.
still have a few of last year's brews i need to get through.
no idea what my next one down will be...
Posted by
9:49 AM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
now all my lachouffes are way overly fizzy. dunno how it has happened, in that they were fine earlier, but the longer in the bottle, the more fizzy they've become. annoying, cos they dredge the yeast from the bottom spoiling the beer. barely manage to get half a bottle drinkable from them.
that said, i had an 8.4 last night that was beautiful. many of them have been overly fizzy too, so something must have been done right
Posted by
9:42 AM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Peculierly bottled... 20.9
Saturday night, 20.9.08, mostly 500ml bottles, i think there was about 2 or 3 x 750's and maybe 5 stubbies...
also, attempted to sample the most recent Lachouffe, lost the bottle to champagne overflow. either still a bit young, or thats how its gonna be, damnit all. i guess its the risk you run with the heavily sugar'd high alcohol content brews. in future i will prime with less sugar and hope the residuals in the pre-bottled beer will be enough. either that, or i pulled the plug on the brewing process too soon? but considering it sat for over 2 weeks and well and truly appeared to be done..? i dont know.
Posted by
9:09 AM